Posts Tagged ‘safety’
The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Guns and Safety
Not to long ago I received the following email from a former student: Jacob, having only received my permit to carry a few weeks earlier I found myself in a situation that reminded me of your class. I went with some co-workers to a nearby restaurant for happy hour. As soon as I had ordered…
Read MoreA Happy and Safe Halloween 2015
Every October 31, children all over go door to door, trick-or-treating. It is very important to take safety precautions and prepare before allowing your children to go out. Before your children go trick or treating, please ensure the following things: All children under the age of 12 should be accompanied by an adult or someone…
Read MoreWhy and How to Check Your Ammunition For Inperfections
Image from While many of us check our carry guns and equipment religiously, how many check your ammunition? A recent article by Patrick Sweeney discussing “one in a million” ammo accidents got me to thinking: “What have I seen or experienced that has changed the way I handle my ammunition that may benefit another…
Read MoreWhat Is Cognitive Dissonance and What Does it Have to Do With Politics and Gun Safety
**Warning… some science and psychology in this article… reader beware! Among the most natural of human instincts is the need to convince oneself that one’s actions are good and acceptable. In order to understand what is generally called self-justification we have to start with another scientific term; cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is used to describe…
Read MoreHow Saying “I’m Sorry” can Save Your Life – and His
It is critical that you become proficient with your firearm of choice if you have decided to carry. The draw. The grip. Acquisition of the target. Accuracy in firing your weapon if it becomes absolutely necessary. But just as important – perhaps more so – is the cluster of tactics that surround and permeate the act of drawing…
Read MoreThings Gun People Say That Make My Blood Boil
A few Jacob Pet Peeves are going to come out here today. There are a handful of things that I hear often in the gun community that are either out right wrong or tend to communicate the wrong message. Here are a few that I really don’t like. Because Its My Right I often hear…
Read MoreConcealed Carry Permit Holder Assaulted And Disarmed
Last month a concealed carry permit holder walked into a Walmart with his concealed firearm. The catch? It wasn’t well concealed. The firearm carrying citizen went into a store bathroom and was followed by another man who attacked him with a punch in the face. When the firearm owner fell to the ground the attacker…
Read MoreEveryday Tactical: Situational Awareness
As mentioned in my other articles, the dynamics of a deadly force encounter happen at a blazingly fast pace. We are thrusted into a reactionary role. Thus, our decisions and actions are made and executed mostly instinctively from muscle memory, rather than through calculated decisions based on the clarity of hindsight. The tips I present are intended to help…
Read MoreEveryday Tactical: Keeping Your Hands Free
Sometimes the simplest things we do can have a great payoff in the long run. I would like to pass one tip to all of you responsible gun carrying citizens. In a way this concept was ingrained in my mind when I was in Marine Corps Bootcamp. We were trained that, while in uniform, we were not to…
Read MoreGun Falls Out Onto Ground at Tampa Movie Theater
Earlier this month Tampa police responded to a call from an AMC movie theater when a patron’s firearm accidentally dropped to the floor. (News story below) To share my own incriminating story, I recall many years ago shortly after receiving my concealed carry permit but shortly before my first holster came in the mail I…
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