Firearm Owner’s Information in New York State is Public Info?
Questions applicants may have in filling out the form may include:
Q: Where do I get the FOIL form?
A: The forms will be available through your licensing office, either on paper or online. For more information, check with your county office. The form is also available on the New York State Police website at or the NY SAFE Act website at
Q: How do I complete the form?
A: In the first section, you will need to fill out your name, date of birth, address and the county in which you are applying. If you hold a firearms license, there is a space for you to provide the license number as well. In the second section, check the box that best describes the reason your information should not be publicly disclosed. To complete the form, sign and date it.
Q: Once I’ve completed the form, how do I submit it?
A: To submit your form, take it to or mail it your local licensing office.
Q: Once the form is completed, how long does it take to become effective?
A: Pistol permit information held by the county is currently exempt from FOIL and will be until May 15, 2013. At that time, those who have submitted the form will remain exempt from the FOIL provisions unless the licensing authority has refused to grant the exemption. Those wishing to apply for the exemption should do so by May 15, 2013, to avoid any disclosure.
Q: If I do not file the form by May 15, 2013, will I be able to file in the future?
A: You may file the form anytime. However, after May 15, 2013, if you have not yet filed an exemption form, your information may be subject to release under FOIL. If you file a form in the future and your request is granted, your information will once again be exempt from FOIL.